10 Benefits of Cold Plunges
1. Boosts Immune System & Improves Cellular Functions
2. Supports Cellular, Physical & Mental Resilience
3. Increases Cognitive Function, Mood, Vigilance & Overall Vitality
4. Decreases Global, Systemic, and Acute Pain & Inflammation
5. Activates Metabolism, Metabolic Pathways & Burns Fat
6. Supports Accelerated Recovery and Somatic Healing
7. Benefits Circulatory System & Blood Flow
8. Enhances Mind, Body & Soul Connection
9. Increased Confidence, Will Power and Response to Stressors
10. Revitalizes Skin, Hair & Overall Recovery
How it Works
Cold exposure floods the body with norepinephrine, a hormone and neurotransmitter found and released naturally in the brain and body during a fight/flight response. This hormone and neurotransmitter is increased by 200%-500% in the body when practicing cold exposure. This response increases mood, attention & vigilance while decreasing inflammation & bringing blood-flow to vital organs & retaining heat through vasoconstriction.
Raised levels of norepinephrine are linked to a bathtub of cool benefits like:
Cold Shock Protein Production
Improved Immune Function
Increased Metabolism
Antioxidant Production
Reduction of Inflammation
Elevated Mood, Mental Acuity & Focus
Cold Shock Proteins
We have synapses responsible for cell communication and forming memories in our brain. Aging, disease, and environmental factors can cause degeneration or breakdown of our synapses.
This breakdown significantly increases diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
When cold shock proteins are present, neurodegeneration of synapses decreases.
Deliberate Cold Exposure Therapy Supports produces Cold Shock Proteins combating cellular degeneration.
Immune Function
But wait, doesn’t the cold makes you sick? Don't you get the flu, pneumonia, and damn cold from getting cold?
In fact, the opposite! Deliberate Cold Exposure performed in acute bouts under the right conditions increases white blood cell count important for fighting foreign bacteria and viruses in the body, increases T-cells, which are active in killing cancer cells & increases your body’s resilience to physical stress!
Deliberate Cold Exposure improves your immune system efficiency!
When the body is exposed to cold, the natural response is to produce heat. It does this through a process called Thermogenesis. - Transitioning white fat tissue cells into brown fat tissue cells. The more brown fat tissue your body has, the more fat your body will burn as brown fat is metabolically active while white fat is not.
Deliberate Cold Exposure is found to increase your metabolism by 300%!
Repeated deliberate exposure to the cold, activates very potent genetic antioxidant systems responsible clearing the body of harmful Reactive Oxygen Species that cause damage to our DNA structures, cause cancers, inflammation and aging. These antioxidants are exponentially more powerful than supplemental antioxidants.
Inflammation is the linchpin to physiological health problems like cancer, heart diseases, arthritis, diabetes, and bowel diseases. Inflammation is also the primary driver of aging and proven to be the leading factor behind >80% of all disease. Studies show that reducing inflammation is one of the best data points for slowing down aging.
Deliberate cold exposure therapy reduces global inflammation, pain and acute inflammatory responses by way of norepinephrine/noradrenaline release in the brain and body shutting down inflammation pathways.
Is this something new?
Cold water therapy dates back to ancient times. In ancient Greece cold water was used to ease muscle pain and fatigue. Fast forward, — this same therapy was used in Ancient Rome, the Renaissance era, and can be traced through history in many different cultures thousands of years ago!
Why we do it
In addition to the list of physical benefits, cold exposure creates the space for connection, with others, and with self.
When we put our bodies in uncomfortable situations with others, it creates a bridge for bonding through vulnerability. Retreats, festivals, sports, events, psychedelic experiences, and travel use a similar equation, only cold exposure compounds the relationship process in a few minutes.
Practised on your own this process can be incredibly therapeutic and meditative, engaging an inner stillness through overcoming an overwhelming stress response.